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Amicalola Falls Lodge - Real Haunted Place

  • 418 Amicalola Falls Lodge Rd.
  • Dawsonville, GA
  • (706) 344-1500
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  (3 reviews)
Listing Categories
Real Haunted Lakes & Waterways, Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging, Real Haunted Places
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Amicalola Mountain was the location where the Cherokee Indian braves used to pray, in search of visions that would guide them in their lives. People say the ghosts they consulted still remain on the mountain, and sometimes visit the Amicalola Falls Lodge as well.

Reports have stated the spirits disapprove of negative energy, and in once case a disembodied hand threw a frying pan at a couple who were having an argument.
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  • Felt nothing and the food wasn't that great

    Stayed at the Amicalola Falls Lodge for three nights. Never had any scary experiences other than what was being passed off as food at the restaurant. The views from the Lodge are great, the food was below average, the paranormal was nonexistent.

    Posted 7/25/22

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  • Evil Spirits felt strongly after dark

    My family stayed several days in a cabin and I felt a very strong feeling of something evil or dangerous watching me on all nights. Some friends of ours camped out in camping area and had a great time at the same time as us. Later while reminiscing one of my friends said she had the same experience even though none of us had discussed it before.

    Posted 3/1/21

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  • American Indian and my kitchen

    Two things happened there when I worked at the lodge. First was a family came and it was super late check in. It was about 1am when the guest finally made it to the lodge. The wife goes to front desk and husband to the restroom. He is in there a minute and then rushes out grabbing his wife and is panic stricken. The clerk asked what is up? He remarked that they can’t stay there. His wife called him crazy and said why. He said that as he was using the restroom, a huge Native American was standing behind him in full garb. The husband then rushed out with wife in tow. They didn’t stay the night. I worked in dining room and the banquet rooms on the lower floors. On the regular things would be moved or put in places that were very random. I would leave and come back to the lower kitchen and I would have left it clean. Come back to drop off clean napkins and restock the kitchen, I returned to a huge mess. I go to security guy ask who was down stairs with me and he said no one. He saw nothing. I was never afraid but the service elevator was tricky and would open and close as if someone was on it. You will be entering it to go up or down and it would start to shut, the reopen The food was great and I miss working there but I’m a teacher now. The staff was amazing and I hope to revisit one day as a guest

    Posted 6/16/19

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

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Contact Phone #: (706) 344-1500

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Last edit to this listing: 12/13/2017 (2621 days ago)

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