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Sorrel Weed House - Real Haunt in Savannah GA

  • 6 W. Harris St.
  • Savannah, GA
  • (912) 257-2223
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Most of the ghosts that haunt this home date back to the late 1800's and the stories surround two suicides that took place here, although it is claimed that one of the suicides may have been a murder. The home was once owned by Francis Sorrel, who had made one of his slave women his mistress. His wife, Matilda ended up finding out by catching them in the act. She was so distraught that she hurled herself off the balcony of her bedroom and died in the courtyard below. Not long after Matilda's death, the slave, whose name was Molly, was found hanged in her bedroom in the carriage house. It has been reported that journals and letters that were found indiciate that Molly did not committ suicide, but was killed by a member of the Sorrel family in an attempt to keep her quiet about the affair. However, this cannot be confirmed and the papers are not on display. Witnesses have claimed to see shadowy figures in the windows and voices can be heard from inside the house and the carriage house. There is a "Lady in White" spirit that is said to come into sight on one of the parlors, as well as a group of grand dame ghosts who also occupy the ladies' parlor and disapprove of the tours. This home has been featured on both a Halloween episode of "Ghost Hunters" and the HGTV show "If Walls Could Talk." This hsitoric landmark is open to tours and has day tours that focus strictly on the history of the home, while the night tours focus on the ghost stories!
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  • I've been here a few times.

    I'm a local and I come around often as family and friends work here. Almost always, I'm experiencing some sort of dizziness in the parlors, especially the woman's parlor. I have a mirror-less camera with a long lens, and once during the day I was pointing the camera through the front fence into the basement area to catch some photo's, and I swear something pushed the camera. It was delicate and not forceful, as if someone put their forefinger on the side of the lens and gently nudged it out of the way, like "No more pictures, Thank you." Once while helping close, I was standing in the long corridor of the basement (The one with the chair) trying to figure out how to turn off the display cabinet lights, and I saw a woman in a pink dress, the big hoop skirt kind, going up the stairs from the basement. It was very brief, but so vivid and solid and colorful, unlike the usual "corner of my eye" sort of sightings. My most recent experience was just before opening, when I was down in the basement turning on lights, and I heard footsteps in the room next to me (the one the surgeries where done in) and had this very strong feeling that someone was with me. Usually ghost don't scare me, but something about it made me bolt up the stairs. I came down almost immediately afterwards with my phone camera, but the feeling was completely gone.

    Posted 1/7/25

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  • went through on a tour

    Not much happened at first...but while in the parlor...a cabinet door behind me began to rattle..as there was no one walking or no heavy machines/trucks going by...who knows..but that was it!

    Posted 6/29/21

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Contact Phone #: (912) 257-2223

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Last edit to this listing: 12/17/2015 (3344 days ago)

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